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Posted workers directive compromise
31st of December 2013EU labour ministers have reached an agreement on new rules to regulate workers posted from one country to another, but the compromise has been deemed "less ambitious" than MEPs wanted.
The compromise text was agreed this month after 18 months of negotiations on the so-called posted workers directive, which is supposed to curtail abuses of
Take a seat on the ergonomically correct toilet of the future
30th of December 2013A new lavatory said to reduce the risk of colon diseases - while also being able to tell if you are ill or pregnant - has been unveiled by a trio of industrial design graduates.
The Wellbeing Toilet is designed to be used at an angle between sitting and squatting, which is said reduce colon problems.
According to the three design graduates from
UK student's copper pyjamas 'help fight MRSA'
27th of December 2013A UK student has developed pyjamas containing copper that are said to provide protection against MRSA.
Amber McCleary from Portsmouth dreamt up the idea of using copper in sleepwear when a family friend contracted MRSA in hospital.
The antimicrobial properties of copper are well known and its use in infection control is currently being studied
Black silicon could become chemical-free germ killer
23rd of December 2013A substance that kills bacteria by ripping open their cell walls may be used to destroy germs in hygiene-critical environments such as hospitals.
The surface of black silicon, discovered by accident in the 1990s, is made up of a forest of tiny spikes or 'nanopillars'. Last year a team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia, were stunned to find
Polaroll - a toilet tissue dispenser shaped like a Polaroid camera
20th of December 2013If you're still looking for that special last-minute Christmas present for the person in your life who has everything, look no further than the Polaroll.
What's a Polaroll? It's a toilet tissue dispenser shaped like a Polaroid SX-70 One Step White/Rainbow camera.
The dispenser can be fixed to the wall just like any other but instead of film this
France's bid to fight against low-cost workers
20th of December 2013The French government is seeking support from fellow EU member states to tackle social dumping by revising the EU posted workers directive. However its efforts are meeting opposition from the UK and countries of eastern Europe.
France wants to tackle the problem of 'posted workers' who are sent to another EU country on a temporary basis, often at