End of the manual vacuum cleaner?

10th of October 2024
End of the manual vacuum cleaner?

As the carpet care industry becomes increasingly automated, is there still a need for a person
to manually operate a vacuum? Ann Laffeaty examines the role of the human cleaner in carpet care and asks whether manual vacuums will ever become a thing of the past.

Vacuuming a carpet can be a lengthy, laborious process. Pushing a piece of heavy

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Wipes & cloths - why use a dispenser?

8th of October 2024
Wipes & cloths - why use a dispenser?

Most cloths and wipers are sold in to the customer as part of a system that also incorporates a purpose-designed dispenser. But how much value does this dispenser actually add to the
mix? ECJ asks manufacturers their views.

Wiper companies tend to make a big deal about the dispensers in which their products are housed. To listen to their

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Smart buildings - lead the charge

25th of September 2024
Smart buildings - lead the charge

Despite its growing prominence, the concept of a smart building is often met with confusion due to its broad and multi-faceted nature. So, what exactly is a smart building, and why is there such a growing interest in this concept? Campbell Murdoch, ABM business & industry managing director for the UK tells us more.

In today's fast-evolving

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Sustainable cleaning - scope 3 is on its way

16th of August 2024
Sustainable cleaning - scope 3 is on its way

Working with scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions is not only about saving the planet. It also serves your company’s bottom line. In fact, it is a business opportunity the cleaning industry should seize. Malene Thiele, global VP, ESG & sustainability at Nilfisk tells us more.

HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING questions about your company’s scope

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Thoroughly modern window cleaning

15th of August 2024
Thoroughly modern window cleaning

Technology is having a huge influence on every area of our lives. It has even entered the traditional world of window-cleaning. But how far are modern window cleaning systems such as cobots, drones and other high-tech systems changing the face of the industry, asks Ann Laffeaty.

The task of window cleaning used to be a relatively simple one that

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Hygiene in food prep - going with the flow

13th of August 2024
Hygiene in food prep - going with the flow

How far can the placement of cleaning and hygiene products make a difference to efficiency and productivity in the food preparation sector? Ann Laffeaty on the importance of kitchen “flow” in a cleaning regime.

Commercial kitchens are known for being busy, somewhat hectic environments. Timing is everything when it comes to creating

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