Floor care - what's the problem?

8th of November 2018
Floor care - what's the problem?

Does the type of facility have an impact on the challenge involved when it comes to cleaning its floor? Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers their views.

On the face of it, a hard floor is a hard floor wherever it happens to be. But the whole point of a floor is to be walked upon  - and the type and intensity of the traffic it receives will vary

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The great kitchen clean-up

7th of November 2018
The great kitchen clean-up

The Japanese 5S principle is now universally recognised as a highly efficient way of running a production environment such as a factory or industrial workshop. But can similar principles be applied to the commercial kitchen, asks Lotta Skold of Tork manufacturer Essity?

The main priority in any food preparation business is to serve up attractive

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Sustainability - the plastic peril

7th of November 2018
Sustainability - the plastic peril

Everyone is talking about plastics these days as the need to reduce the burden of waste becomes more pressing. But plastic is still one of the most widely-used packaging materials for cleaning products. Why is this the case? And what are manufacturers doing to reduce their plastics waste?

Europeans generate around 25 million tonnes of plastic

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Sustainability - how to buy responsibly

6th of November 2018
Sustainability - how to buy responsibly

With the announcement of the latest Circular Economy Package, an even greater onus has been placed on industry to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable business. Lorcan Mekitarian, RPC bpi recycled products sales director, explains how, for cleaning firms looking to expand their environmental behaviour, procurement is the best place to

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Carpet cleaning conundrums

3rd of October 2018
Carpet cleaning conundrums

Cleaning a carpet can be fraught with difficulties - but what are the hardest tasks facing today’s carpet care experts and why?

Carpet cleaning is one of the most complex tasks in the industry. The types of substances that are likely to end up on a soft floor vary tremendously: carpet care experts may have to remove the residue from sticky

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Future-proofing for distributors

1st of October 2018
Future-proofing for distributors

Joanne Gilliard is chief executive officer (ceo) of Jangro, one of the largest cleaning and hygiene products distribution groups in the UK and Ireland. She speaks exclusively to ECJ editor Michelle Marshall about the challenges and opportunities facing suppliers, and how this part of the cleaning sector is moving forward to safeguard its

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