Can microfibre spread dirt?

10th of October 2022
Can microfibre spread dirt?

John Griep at VSR, our reporter in the Netherlands, gives us new insight into the microfibre cloth.

Can microfibre cloths cause dirt to spread? An odd question perhaps. After all, microfibre cloths are cleaning cloths and their purpose is to clean surfaces, not to make them dirtier. But, it is true. Microfibre cloths can indeed spread dirt. The

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How crowd pullers affect cleaning

5th of October 2022
How crowd pullers affect cleaning

ECJ’s Lotte Printz in Denmark looks at the cleaning operation in the country’s holiday homes.

As high temperatures sweep the country in August, making office work a sweaty business, one could easily dream the day away, longing for a holiday in a house by the sea. Perhaps, taking a look at cleaning of those holiday homes could

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Spring survey and wage settlement

26th of July 2022
Spring survey and wage settlement

Katja Scholz reports on the mood of the German cleaning sector, following the latest BIV report.

For the fourth year in succession now, the Federal Guild of Contract Cleaners (BIV) has carried out a spring survey. This enables member companies to present a picture of the general mood in the sector and to give their views on market forecasts,

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Minimum wage increase pressure

25th of July 2022
Minimum wage increase pressure

Christian Bouzols in France explains the increase in the minimum wage is causing stress in the sector.

Due to inflation, the official minimum wage in France was increased on May 1, the third increase in just seven months. This minimum wage, called the SMIC (Salaire Minimum de Croissance) now amounts to €1,302.64 net a month. The two million

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Reality cleaning contest

22nd of July 2022
Reality cleaning contest

Lotte Printz in Denmark reviews a new reality TV format on cleaning.

“Maybe you have even been inspired to live a cleaner life!”

These are the final words by the celebrity host of a brand new reality TV format about cleaning, spoken as the closing credits appear on the screen in the seventh and final episode and the nine contestants

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Should we worry about Monkeypox?

19th of July 2022
Should we worry about Monkeypox?

Lynn Webster in the UK on how the cleaning sector is assessing another virus in the news.

As we are becoming less fraught after dealing with the height of the Covid pandemic, and some level of normality returns to our lives, we face the potential risk from the recent changes in behaviours of another envelope virus. Monkeypox.

Whilst we are

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