Ecover wins international Red Dot award for new range label design

2nd of December 2013
Ecover wins international Red Dot award for new range label design

The new label design for the Ecover Professional range of ecologically responsible cleaning solutions has been awarded with the Red Dot Award 2013 in the category of Communication Design.

For the re-positioning of the brand, Ecover Professional teamed up with design agency VanBerlo Communications - the aim was to design new labels with direct and clear visibility of the product application. Lies Marijnissen, product and brand marketeer for B2B explained that Ecover Professional has been in existence as a brand for 18 years, however for almost 15 years there had been no change in its branding.

“Until recently we have had the Ecover Techno Green and Professional ranges, both serving commercial markets but targeted at different sectors. Having two brands, we found, was quite confusing and we wanted to establish one clear range.

“At the same time we were working on new formulas and our Cradle to Cradle principles so it was certainly the right time for a relaunch.”

The design agency’s brief was to create a stable brand with a key message. “We want to be perceived as sincere, future-focused, pioneering and, of course, ‘green’,” continues Marijnissen. “We also sought to have a more powerful profile in the market.”

Clear icons

Having decided on the clear values to be conveyed, the next task was for the agency to transfer those to the label design. “For us it was vital that the icons were instantly clear and recognisable – so the purpose of each product could be identified in the blink of an eye,” emphasises Marijnissen. “Those icons were specially important because the nature of the cleaning industry is that staff do not always speak the language of the country they work in, and perhaps do not read very well.”

On awarding Ecover the prize in its Communication Design category, Packaging, the judging panel commented: “In relaunching these professional products for washing and cleaning, the strategic selling points and brand personality have been developed in a co-creation workshop. Based on these considerations, the labels, icons and the Ecover Professional logo have been given a new face.

Application visibility

“The prerequisite for the design was the direct visibility of the product application, which was met with clear, appealing icons for usage and dosage, sleek visual language and a sophisticated colour palette. The label range communicates a fresh, unique look that reflects individuality.”

What makes these new labels so different in the B2B market? Marijnissen replies: “I believe we have used the colour coding system in a smart way, in that it is much more design focused. Often B2B cleaning product labels feature a great deal of text, which we tried to minimise with our design.

“Our team aimed to make the labels as visually appealing as possible while fulfilling all the legal requirements – most of the text is on the back of the bottle, with the bare minimum on the front.”
The new labels are now in use and a full switch is expected to have been completed by January 2014.


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