The sky's the limit for window cleaning systems

13th of August 2013
The sky's the limit for window cleaning systems

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and the window cleaning sector is certainly proving this to be true, using innovative materials, technology and designs to answer client needs.  Jochen Wagener, head of marketing for Unger Europe, reveals how window cleaning systems are adapting and developing to keep pace with key market

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Scrubber dryer squeegees - of material importance

12th of August 2013
Scrubber dryer squeegees - of material importance

Brent Anderson of Midwest Rubber Europe explains why selecting a high quality squeegee for use on scrubber dryers is so crucial to a successful scrubbing job. He offers an overview of the different squeegee materials available and a guide to most suitable applications.

Clean floors help to create pleasant indoor environments. People are happier

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The alternative to ‘glug glug’ cleaning chemicals

9th of August 2013
The alternative to ‘glug glug’ cleaning chemicals

Free pouring chemical, often referred to as ‘glug glug’, from a concentrate to create a ready-to-use solution is not an unusual practice.  However, it does pose several challenges in addition to the obvious safety issues.

These challenges include the financial impact of using too much chemical, poor cleaning results from using

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A quick cleaning fix in the kitchen

8th of August 2013
A quick cleaning fix in the kitchen

Cleaning and hygiene should never be compromised in a food preparation area. But it can be hard to maintain scrupulous standards in a kitchen where staff are habitually rushed off their feet. We ask companies what systems they offer that combine high hygiene levels with speed and efficiency for optimum food preparation cleaning.

Speed is of the

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Growth in furtive telecom scams trade

28th of June 2013
Growth in furtive telecom scams trade

Telecom scams are a growing threat to businesses, with criminals deploying ever more sneaky tools and tactics. Hartley Milner looks at some tricks of the fraudster’s furtive trade and how to avoid falling victim to them.

The cold-caller’s patter went something like this… “Am I speaking to Mr Miller?” “Well,

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Denmark's invisible cleaners

26th of June 2013
Denmark's invisible cleaners

ECJ Scandinavian correspondent, Petra Sjouwerman examines the results of a recent Danish research project amongst immigrant cleaners.

Improvement of the psychosocial working environment among immigrants and migrant workers in cleaning jobs is possible, according to Danish researchers from the National Research Centre for the Working Environment

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