Chidichimo to lead new Sealed Air business unit after Diversey integration

9th of November 2011
Chidichimo to lead new Sealed Air business unit after Diversey integration

Sealed Air Corporation in the USA has announced the next step in the integration of the Diversey business, which it took over in June in a deal worth US$ 4.3 billion. This includes the establishment of new business units in 2012.

"As part of our integration process, we plan to organise Sealed Air into three business units focused on food safety

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University students push for gender-neutral washrooms

8th of November 2011
University students push for gender-neutral washrooms

Canadian students are campaigning for unisex toilets to prevent transgendered people from having to make a choice between the Gents' and the Ladies'.

Some Canadian universities - including the University of Western Ontario and the University of Victoria - have already installed gender-neutral washrooms and others are following suit.


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Green Apple Award for Bio-Productions at Gatwick

7th of November 2011
Green Apple Award for Bio-Productions at Gatwick

Biological cleaning products specialist Bio-Productions has won a Green Apple Environment Award in partnership with cleaning service provider OCS. The two companies have worked together to reduce the environmental impact of cleaning at Gatwick Airport in the UK.

The introduction of Bio-Productions biological cleaning products at the airport has

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EU citizens satisfied with life, but reveal low confidence in national economies

4th of November 2011
EU citizens satisfied with life, but reveal low confidence in national economies

A survey published by the European Commission on the EU's social climate suggests that although EU citizens remain negative when evaluating the general situation of their country, they feel the economy is recovering and are largely satisfied and positive regarding their personal situation.

László Andor, EU commissioner for

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G4S abandons proposed acquisition of ISS

1st of November 2011
G4S abandons proposed acquisition of ISS

Global security group G4S has this morning announced that it will not now purchase Denmark-based building services giant ISS, as announced last month. The deal was set to be worth almost six billion euros.

In an official statement Ole Andersen, chairman of the board of ISS said: "In July our owner - FS Invest - was approached by G4S proposing to

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Prisoners get drunk on hand sanitiser

1st of November 2011

Prisoners at a New Zealand facility were very grateful when hand sanitisers were given out to them by wardens to help prevent the spread of disease.

Particularly happy were three enterprising inmates who turned it into a home brew and became so intoxicated that one of them assaulted a prison officer.

Hand sanitiser has routinely been given out

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