Cleaning firms' message

15th of October 2010

Cleaning companies in Italy have voiced their discontent at public sector payment delays, writes Anna Garbagna.

In Italy cleaning companies have launched an appeal: in fact many of them, creditors of public administrations, can no longer bear the financial burden of the constant and growing delays to payment for their services. The consequences

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New reporter wanted

15th of October 2010

Tom Crockford, ECJ's Scandinavian correspondent for many years, has decided to retire.

In writing this regular column, I have tried to give the rest of Europe a glimpse of how the professional cleaning sector operates in Scandinavia. I’m not sure how well I have succeeded in this but it has, nevertheless, been a worthwhile exercise for I

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Public sector rules

15th of October 2010

Latest news at the Polish Cleaning Industry Chamber from Marek Kowalski.

In January Polish Cleaning Industry Chamber initiated the Cleaning Industry Employers Association, PSC. This is another stage of unification of industry employers who co-operate with each other on an everyday basis and come across similar problems in dealings with state-run

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Rental? No thank you

15th of September 2010

Anna Garbagna in Italy reports on how cleaning companies are not opting for rental when it comes to cleaning machines.

According to a recent survey carried out by AfidampCOM, unlike other market sectors, the cleaning supply chain does not generally use rental facilities. In the building trade for example, rental is considered an option, this is

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An unloved industry

15th of September 2010

The UK correspondent for ECJ explains how the cleaning sector is a social and economic barometer.

It has often been said the cleaning industry is one of the nation’s economic barometers. This is based partly on the fact that when times are hard a policy of 'make do and mend' applies with more spent on spare parts than capital equipment,

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Battle against norovirus

15th of September 2010

Tom Crockford reports on how cruise ship companies are tackling the risk of norovirus outbreaks.

The recent summer has been untypically long and hot in this part of Europe. For example, after a record breaking cold winter, Finland recorded its hottest summer in some 85 years. Passengers on the many cruise ships visiting Helsinki have been met

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