BIV seeks to reach new generations

11th of October 2023 Article by Katja Scholz
BIV seeks to reach new generations

Contract cleaning association BIV in Germany is launching social media campaigns, says Katja Scholz.

New media, modern communications – the Federal Association of Contract Cleaners (BIV) knows how to reach the new generation:  with podcasts, promotional videos, Tik Tok etc. The association is using modern media to inform its target groups such as (potential) employees and customers about current issues and developments in this sector which has the largest number of employees in Germany.

As part of its employer brand identity, BIV’s aim is to inform, to reach out to and to discuss matters of policy and science, business in general and skilled trade in particular - training, digitalisation, migration and sustainability, as well as social and cultural developments.

In doing so it is beginning to turn its attention increasingly to promotional videos to reach its target groups and position its themes - the production of moving images has for several years been regarded as an increasingly important focal point for its communication.

Following a decision by the Public Relations Committee under the chairmanship of Holger Eickholz, the German Federal Skills Competition - at which Germany’s best young craftsmen and women in the building sector are chosen - has since 2019 been filmed, which was also the case in 2022 in Bremen.

This was where the 11 best apprentices competed for the title of best young contract cleaner in Germany – and the BIV produced a promotional video to accompany this and was nominated for the mediaV Award 2023 in the moving image category - the second time this has happened. In 2021 both nomination and award were achieved, in this case for the coronavirus campaign video, #Protection.

This year unfortunately, the BIV didn’t quite make the grade. The award went to a fellow competitor, German Diabetes Aid, for its film ‘Clever Animals Drink Water’. The mediaV award is presented every other year to associations, agencies, charities, trade unions, media professionals etc, for excellence in communications.

But this was still not enough in terms of moving image and new media: the BIV recently gave the go-ahead for its new video campaign. With the publication of over 60 videos of widely varying design, style and format, the association is aiming to attract the attention of mainly younger people through modern, image-promoting videos about the wide diversity of activities, the technical innovations and the excellent opportunities for training and development within the contract cleaning sector.

The campaign is divided into four sequences:  technology, messages, statements and influencers. For this last one, BIV has launched its new Tik Tok channel – as a platform for the younger target demographic.

The videos will be published on social networks in the coming months and all of them are also available to the regional associations and guilds as well as member companies. “We are particularly proud of the fact that 15 young trainee contract cleaners - from apprentices to journeymen - have invested their time, their personal message and their personality in the campaign. To that extent, it is a genuine campaign from the sector for the sector!” said Holger Eickholz.

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