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Sweeping into winter
2nd of February 2022Does the task of sweeping become more difficult in winter than at other times of the year? Ann Laffeaty finds out how far the sweeping challenge changes from season to season - and asks manufacturers how their machines are able to cope with the particular issues that each season represents.
Winter has now well and truly arrived in the northern
Matting - laying the groundwork
31st of January 2022Lee Fox at Kleen-Tex looks at how floor matting systems can be used to enable cleaning professionals to minimise the transfer of dirt and dust throughout their buildings.
As the winter season continues, professionals across a variety of sectors have been preparing themselves for the increased frequency of dirt and debris that will be brought into
Turning the tide on waste
27th of January 2022In this special report, experts at Rubbermaid Commercial Products (RCP) break down some of the key issues affecting workplaces’ progress towards sustainable waste management during the past couple of years – and the solutions businesses can implement to make progress.
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has spurred widespread and complex
Shaping the high-pressure cleaning industry
25th of January 2022What are the current trends in the high-pressure sector, asks Ann Laffeaty? And how are manufacturers adapting to them?
The cleaning industry is going through a period of flux as manufacturers strive to keep up with ever-changing customer demands. There has been a general switch to daytime cleaning which means that quieter machinery is now
COP26 - more broken promises?
13th of January 2022COP26 climate talks wound up at the end of last year with global decision-makers returning home with a clear message ringing in their ears ... ‘enough blah blah blah, it’s time for transformative action’. Hartley Milner reports on crucial pledges made by the private sector towards meeting net-zero carbon targets.
On an
Trending on your trolley
12th of January 2022What do customers want most from their cleaning trolley? And how far have their requirements changed over recent years? Ann Laffeaty asks manufacturers about the trolley trends driving the industry and finds out what lies behind them.
Cleaning trolleys - just like everything else - are subject to fluctuations in fashion. And it is usually