Guide to implementing cobotics in FM and cleaning launched

6th of October 2020
Guide to implementing cobotics in FM and cleaning launched

A practical guide to implementing cobotics has been launched to offer FM companies and cleaning contractors practical measures to ensure a smooth and seamless integration of cobotics into their operations.

The Practical Guide to Implementing Cobotics in FM was co-ordinated by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) and SoftBank Robotics. Peter Ankerstjerne, chairman of the board at IFMA and global lead FM & experience services at JLL, and a contributor to the guide, said: "Cobotics can play a big role in delivering the higher and more consistent cleaning standards required to ensure people feel comfortable and confident at their workplace.

"As with any major technology project, organisations need to take a strategic approach and think beyond the technology itself. Cobotics requires significant upskilling, cultural and behavioural change and a shift to new operating and resourcing models. FM and cleaning industry leaders need to develop robust, holistic plans in order to achieve the full range of benefits that cobotics can deliver."

The guide covers a wide range of organisational and operational factors that need to be considered within a cobotic strategy, from early stage planning and proof of concepts through to training programmes, servicing agreements, commercial models and measurement.

Nils van der Zijl, vp sales and marketing for SoftBank Robotics EMEA explained: "Cobots are collaborative robots which work alongside frontline teams to drive efficiency, performance and productivity. They undertake repetitive and strenuous tasks such as vacuuming large areas of floor space, improving performance and consistency, and freeing up time for cleaning teams to focus on other tasks."

Click here to download the guide.


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