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The attraction of daytime cleaning
24th of September 2020The German contract cleaning association is focusing on daytime working, writes ECJ’s Katja Scholz.
Around 660,000 workers are employed by the largest skilled trades employer in Germany – the idea of daytime cleaning is attractive or them, both professionally and for their own private situation. “By daytime cleaning we understand cleaning during the clients’ business hours”, explains Holger Eickholz, chairman of the BIV Public Relations Committee.
And that brings numerous advantages on all sides: better working hours from the employees’ point of view, better chances of finding suitable staff from the service providers’ point of view and shorter decision-making processes for a more flexible approach to cleaning tasks from the clients’ point of view.
One of the greatest advantages for employees is to not have to work early in the morning and late afternoon. “It also enables us to engage staff for several hours of continuous employment with full social insurance benefits which is generally preferred both by us and by the industry. Moreover, the journey to and from work is safer since workers do not have to leave home while it is still dark”, explains Eickholz.
The BIV is also getting positive feedback from clients who have already tried out daytime cleaning in their companies. Daytime cleaning means cleaning staff are not only visible but are also available for possible adjustments or additional cleaning requests. “These can be quickly and flexibly accommodated – and many clients appreciate this. The cleaning staff are also no longer anonymous.
Many people like to know who the person is who cleans their desk. And particularly at the present time, to see cleaning staff busy sanitising everything has a reassuring effect on people.”
There are already some sectors in Germany where daytime cleaning is not such a new concept: the practice has long been accepted at airports or in stations, for example, both by clients and service providers. In fact, the advantages are augmented by additional factors which should not be underestimated: security-sensitive areas of the building are more easily supervised when cleaning takes place during the day – and doormen or security staff do not have to monitor any night-time access. Daytime cleaning also saves energy since less artificial lighting is needed and it may be possible to consider turning off the heating.
And last but not least, a reference to the pandemic: it is only right the contract cleaning sector has been classified as being of systemic importance. Hygiene and cleanliness are highly valued by many people – and more frequent and more intensive cleaning is now being done as a matter of daily routine. Schools are a classic example: additional services here currently include cleaning staff being employed throughout the day in order to clean sanitary facilities and sanitise handrails and door handles.
“I am personally convinced that, with the growing demand for hygiene as a result of coronavirus, the importance of daytime cleaning will increase significantly. Any minor disruptions to the running of the business will be willingly accepted. So to that extent, coronavirus has definitely accelerated the process,” concludes Holger Eickholz.