New market rules for Italian cleaning sector

1st of July 2014
New market rules for Italian cleaning sector

In Italy there are moves to improve regulation of public tenders, reports Anna Garbagna for ECJ.

AVCP, the public authority for surveillance of public contracts, has presented the Model for Tender Invitation for cleaning services aimed at regulation of tenders in the sector.

This  authority, as confirmed by ANIP (the national association of cleaning companies and integrated services) is the body that best supports the needs of the cleaning sector which last year reached  44.1 per cent of the total value of public contracts against  24 per cent of works.

“Finally the scenario of public contracts in the service sector is changing: the new model defines precise and clear rules for competition, improves the efficiency of public expenditure and helps to fight illegal labour,” commented Lorenzo Mattioli, president of the National Association of Cleaning
Companies and Integrated Service of Confindustria.

The document regulates contracts in line with national and local requirements  as far as the application of the best value offer is concerned and supplies a legal frame of reference for the companies in the sector and for public bodies as customers.

“In contrast to the indifference often shown so far by institutions towards the service sector”, commented Mattioli, “AVCP confirms itself as the body that best and most quickly interprets and supports the needs of companies in the sector with a watchful eye on the cautious management of  public expenditure.

“The publication of the Model for Tender Invitation is even more significant as it happened in conjunction with the new tender by Consip for facility management services (a value of  2.7 billion euros)”.

ANIP is also satisfied because it has received signals of great openness and institutional attention to the bill of the framework law on integrated services presented by the Chamber of Deputies which was supported by CNEL, the body of all social partners.

Great appreciation was shown for the strategic value of the project, for the objectives of fighting illegal labour and for healthy competition on the market which are the basis of the bill.

Despite constant growth experienced by this sector in recent years (total turnover 130 billion euros and 2.5 million workers) Italy is lacking a specific regulation for reference, which means that companies’ development has in fact been hampered.

“We wanted to share our bill of framework law with institutions and social parts, declared  Mattioli. “The support we received is further encouragement to carry on the job - it is an important acceptance of our proposals which aim to give a steady reference frame to  all operators, contractors and public bodies- customers of integrated services”.


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