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Mix and match rods
15th of October 2010Vac Systems International has updated its Super Air Whip Systems to increase the number of rods in the Basic and Deluxe packages and add a no flex rod. Users can also now mix and match any combination of the three rod types - max flex, medium flex, no flex - to suit specific needs.
In addition to the six rods in the Basic package there is an octopus whip head, tri whip head, single whip head and an on/off control assembly. In addition to the nine rods in the Deluxe package there's an octopus whip head, tri whip head, single whip head, support ball, forward air nozzle, reverse air nozzle and on/off control assembly. Rugged storage cases are also available.
Tel: +1 952 808 1616. Email: phaugen@vacsysint.com