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Scrubber dryers - a brush with technology
27th of March 2015How important is the type of squeegee and the size, shape and position of the brushes in determining a scrubber dryer’s performance? Ann Laffeaty finds out.
Scrubber dryers come in all shapes and sizes and the average customer will consider the size, comfort, cost and ease of use of the machine when considering which model to purchase. All
Ebola - a risk for Europe?
26th of March 2015Are medical professionals in Europe concerned about the risks of Ebola? How easily is it spread, and is it on the radar of those European companies serving the healthcare sector? ECJ takes a closer look at Ebola and finds out what is being done to keep it away from Europe’s shores.
Over the past 12 months the world has been facing the
Who cares if you’re ‘green’?
25th of March 2015Companies worldwide have been proclaiming their ‘green’ credentials over the past few years and the cleaning and hygiene sector has been no exception. But do customers actually care about ‘greenness?’ We ask companies their views.
The attitude towards ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ companies is changing
World hygiene picture from SCA Hygiene Matters report
20th of March 2015Where in the world are people most likely to use their workplace washrooms to let off steam, eat, rehearse a presentation or carry out an exercise routine? And which nationality is most likely to shun a gym, public washroom or even dinner at a friend’s house due to concerns about poor hygiene?
Tork manufacturer SCA shares some insights from
Know your biocidal products obligations
19th of March 2015The Biocidal Products Regulation No. 528/2012 (BPR) has been in force in the EU since
September 2013. It concerns the placing on the market of biocidal products, the active substances used in biocidal products, and treated articles incorporating active substances.
Siobhan Murphy at The REACH Centre offers advice and clarification of substances now
OCS - ready for take-off
12th of March 2015UK-based facilities services provider OCS has been working in aviation for over 50 years and now lists in excess of 50 airlines among its clients, in more than 25 airports worldwide. The company has the contract to clean over 70 per cent of aircraft landing at London’s Heathrow Airport, with British Airways being its largest client