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Formalising food hygiene
15th of October 2010The Eurostars Grand Marina is a five-star hotel in the heart of Barcelona, Spain. European Cleaning Journal editor Michelle Marshall visited to see how health and safety standards in food safety and water hygiene are being monitored and upheld using a risk management system called Cristal developed by Check Safety First.
Foreign holidays and
Style over budget?
15th of October 2010Writing exclusively for ECJ, floor machine manufacturer Truvox International explains how cleaning budget should play a central part in determining the choice of hard floor surfaces.
Large, stylish office buildings, hotels, conference centres all have a way of inducing architects to think big when it comes to the floors. We have all been
Vapour's role in decontamination
15th of September 2010How significant is environmental contamination in the transmission of hospital infection? Jon Otter and Dr Saber Yezli from Bioquell address this issue and explain the company's hydrogen peroxide vapour technology.
Hospital infection is a substantial and increasing problem around the world. The global problems due to nosocomial infections are
Steam for safety
15th of September 2010Cleaning for patient health and safety - a ‘blueprint’ for enhanced hygiene and infection prevention in healthcare, food and beyond through product development based on science, validation and engagement with the market.
Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) persist, despite increasing concern and resources allocated to their
Indispensable mopping
15th of September 2010Microfibre mopping systems have a vital role to play in healthcare cleaning – and modern breakthroughs have made them even more indispensable says Vikan.
For many years mopping has been the mainstay of cleaning in a wide variety of environments – including the healthcare sector. It provides an effective means of removing the build-up
Search & destroy tactics success
15th of September 2010For some years the Dutch guidelines on infection prevention and the country's method of dealing with MRSA outbreaks have been held up as an example to the healthcare profession around the world. Hygiene for Health editor Michelle Marshall visited the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands to meet Thea Daha, an infection control