What’s all the pressure for?

23rd of January 2024
What’s all the pressure for?

What are the main functions of high-pressure machines these days? Are new applications emerging all the time in line with green energy developments and innovative building designs? And are there certain tasks that can only be tackled with the aid of a high-pressure cleaner? Ann Laffeaty poses these questions to industry

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Hand hygiene - promoting good habits

16th of January 2024
Hand hygiene - promoting good habits

Products such as soaps, hand towels and air dryers all help to facilitate hand hygiene in the away-from-home washroom. But can the choice of system play a part in encouraging people to improve their hand washing habits, asks Ann Laffeaty?

EVERYONE KNOWS the importance of hand hygiene and the role it plays in reducing the risk of infections. So

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Cleaning trolleys in the spotlight

10th of January 2024
Cleaning trolleys in the spotlight

A recent news story concerning US superstar Taylor Swift plunged cleaning trolleys unexpectedly into the spotlight. But manufacturers had already been quietly raising the profile of this sector and coming up with smart new designs and aesthetically-pleasing products. Are we entering a new era of glam trolleys, asks Ann Laffeaty?


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Floored by the challenge

7th of December 2023
Floored by the challenge

Floor cleaning is an important asapect of any cleaning regime. But how important? Ann Laffeaty asks companies about the challenges that floor cleaning poses and finds out what can be done to lighten the cleaner’s load.

Floors come in for a great deal of hard wear. Most other surfaces tend to be generally soiled mainly by dust, fingerprints

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Washroom dispensers - design versus function

1st of December 2023
Washroom dispensers - design versus function

Is it possible for a washroom dispenser to combine an attractive design with high functionality, asks ECJ? Or does there always need to be a compromise?

When visiting a public washroom we users expect the soap and paper dispensers to work – and to work efficiently.

If multiple button-pushes are required to access the soap, for example, or

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Day to day impacts of cleaning machines

24th of November 2023
Day to day impacts of cleaning machines

In the cleaning sector, the benefits of a ‘sustainability first’ approach extend beyond the traditional, more obvious initiatives and touch on day-to-day machine-related operational impacts. Cost-effective servicing programmes can underpin machine repair, maintenance and reuse to extend working lifespans and ensure machines do not end

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