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Tissue paper producers lead recycling initiatives
5th of November 2014According to the European Tissue Symposium (ETS) - which represents Europe’s leading tissue producers - Europe leads the world in paper recycling with a paper fibre being collected and recycled on average 3.5 times, compared with 2.4 times worldwide.
ETS is a member of the European Recovered Paper Council, committed to meet a voluntary recycling target of 70 per cent in the EU plus Switzerland and Norway by 2015 – a level already achieved today and higher than any other region in the world.
ETS also supports the use of fibres from sustainably and legally managed forests and encourages the use of third party certification as one of the best ways to ensure that suppliers meet these requirements.
And new technologies increasingly allow the tissue industry to use recycled fibres in products without compromising on softness, strength and absorbency.
Click here to read the latest ECJ report on sustainable cleaning