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Germ-killing technology in new hand dryer
29th of November 2013New to the market is a hand dryer claimed to kill harmful pathogens such as E. coli, C. difficile, Staph, MRSA, and TB while drying the hands.
American Dryer claims its new eXtremeAir cPc hand dryer - launched this month - is a ground-breaking product. The dryer uses patent-pending Cold Plasma Clean technology to kill 99.6 per cent of harmful germs and pathogens.
The company says the warm-air dryer is capable of drying the hands within 10-15 seconds while at the same time sanitising them along with the surrounding air.
Anthony Dicicco, ceo of hand dryer distributor ProDryers, says: "There has always been a debate about which is cleaner or more hygienic, paper towels or hand dryers. New studies and claims are always popping up with one or the other being the better product. This new dryer will stop the argument cold."
The dryer has an adjustable motor to vary the speed and sound which can adapt the unit to suit a range of environments, according to American Dryer. For example it can dry the hands more quietly at lower speeds in a library where sound is an issue, whereas in a busy sports arena where speed is of essence it can be used on a faster setting.
The unit is said to kill bacteria using in a natural process that has been independently tested under laboratory conditions. There are no filters to change and no harmful side effects. Target markets will include hospitals and schools according to American Dryer.