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Airport cleaning - how to be the world’s best
9th of July 2018A Japanese airport recently hit the headlines when a staff member was pictured dusting off pieces of luggage on a baggage carousel. This is just one example of how dedicated Japanese people are to maintaining their environment and keeping it clean. ECJ correspondent Bobbie van der List visited the cleanest airport in the world – Haneda in
New ways of finding cleaners in Japan
29th of May 2018While Japan has never been a country prone to allowing in migrants to solve labour market issues, due to a rapidly declining population and a low fertility rate it reluctantly pushed for policy changes to make it easier to welcome migrant workers. Bobbie van der List reports for ECJ.
While Japan has never been a country prone to allowing in
Disruptive business models
28th of March 2018Housekeep is an online platform which is currently disrupting the home cleaning service market in London. ECJ editor Michelle Marshall speaks to its founder and ceo Avin Rabheru about his business model, and his plans to enter the commercial cleaning market this year.
Founded three-and-a-half years ago Housekeep is a platform that takes the
Can robots fill the people gap?
22nd of March 2018Japan’s cleaning industry is increasingly dominated by automation and robotic solutions, which is mainly caused by the growing difficulty professional cleaning companies experience in finding qualified staff. But what is the impact of this development on the industry and where does the cleaning industry stand in terms of employing robots?
Agents of change
6th of November 2017Change is a difficult, but essential, part of any prosperous business. Where new ideas come from, how they are communicated and crucially how they are implemented can be important factors in making new initiatives a success. Jan-Hein Hemke, managing director at soft FM service provider and contract cleaners Facilicom, has given his managers the
Singapore's long march to professional cleaning
20th of September 2017In Singapore, streets and public spaces are remarkably clean. The government reached this level of cleanliness due to some draconian anti-littering laws. While the Singaporean cleaning industry has contributed to this spotless state of the streets, some argue the cleaning industry deserves more appreciation – both in terms of salary, as well