Home › magazine › april may 2013 › product review › Thuraplug for cleaning plugholes
Thuraplug for cleaning plugholes
21st of May 2013Thuraplug is a new device that allows thorough cleaning of the section of pipe below plugholes, as well as the plughole itself. It can be used anywhere there is a plughole - sinks, baths, showers and urinals.
The device consists of a balloon pipe made of rubber that is passed through the plughole. The balloon is inflated using a handle then cleaning agent is poured into the plughole up to sink level. The cleaning chemical can then be left for the recommended time while the Thuraplug ensures optimum contact is maintained.
The release valve is then pressed to deflate the balloon, with germs, grime and bacteria cleaned away. Thuraplug can also be used to clean the overflow section in sinks and basins.